
Use ChatGPT for Increasing Learning and Development Effectiveness: Is it The Future or Too Soon?

By |February 16, 2023|Categories: Mobile|Tags: , , , , |

From AI-generated images created using just text prompts to the use of adaptive AI as strategic technology trend by Gartner, the widespread use and adoption of AI-powered tools for creating images, text, and even code [...]

4 Ways Metaverse-based Upskilling Will Revolutionize the Learning and Development Sector

By |February 13, 2023|Categories: Mobile|Tags: , , , , |

It is now abundantly clear that Metaverse is not merely a passing fad, but rather the bright future into which we are all peering. Did you know? Approximately 82% of executives anticipate that Metaverse plans [...]

Learning Analytics for Employers: Connecting the Dots from Up-skilling to Business Growth

By |January 31, 2023|Categories: Mobile|Tags: , , , , |

As the "digital-first" mindset intensifies, it is safe to conclude that there is no lack of data. Nevertheless, a data-driven approach involves maximizing your data, regardless of the function or business. Data analytics is no [...]

  • view-from-business-startup-teamwork-concept-startup-partners-sitting-coworking-space-talking-about-future-project-looking-through-examples-work-laptop-digital-table

eLearning: A Multi-pronged Approach for a Future-ready Organization

By |December 5, 2022|Categories: Mobile|Tags: , , , , |

Over the past decade, the eLearning sector has evolved dramatically. It is no longer about enhancing organizational efficiency through skill development. Today, organizations consider eLearning as a means to enhance employee experience, foster a [...]

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