Level up your eLearning by embracing Gamification for enhanced engagement and collaboration

Gamification has taken the world by storm – and I mean that literally. Did you know that recent surveys have revealed that a whopping 90% of surveyed employees recognize the value of incorporating game-like elements into their work, leading to increased productivity? But more importantly, it’s not just the so-called work-shy slackers who feel this way. In fact, businesses that have embraced gamification report being up to 7x more profitable than those that haven’t jumped on the gamified bandwagon. …Like I said, by the storm.

But gamification today is more than just fun and games. It’s about intentionally designing eLearning experiences that seamlessly blend the proven principles and mechanics of games, including the thrill of healthy competition. The end result? Highly engaged and motivated learners who actively participate in the learning process while challenging both themselves and their peers. It’s a win-win situation that fosters collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and a supportive learning environment.

As a technology enthusiast, it feels even more exciting to share real-world experiences that actually support the trend. For example, we recently completed a project for one of our clients that truly highlights the power of gamification in communication and collaboration. The project involved developing a Mar-Q program – a two-week program designed to evaluate the communication and collaboration skills of new consultants who had just joined the client organization. To keep things engaging, we gave the program an exciting space-themed twist with an overarching theme of “Exploration.”

The platform encourages learners to make connections by sending connection requests, which have to be approved by others. Every successful connection earned them points. The learner profiles also showcased their “levels” and offered opportunities for cross-team collaboration, unlocking even better rewards.

To spark a friendly competition, the program hosted a kick-off call where the participants gathered with the program coach to take attendance. Points were awarded to those with maximum attendance, adding an extra layer of excitement. Moreover, learners and their peers earned points and rewards for collaboratively solving missions, highlighting the power of teamwork. The gamified elements within the program boosted engagement and motivated learners to collaborate with their peers while tackling various case studies, resulting in an amplified learning experience.

This is just one of the examples of how gamification elements can directly contribute to improving communication and collaboration through learning. And the journey doesn’t end there! As technology advances, we can expect even more enhancements in the years to come. Imagine AI characters and Natural Language Processing (NLP) transforming the face of these programs, offering an even more immersive and engaging learning experience. I believe that the future is bright for gamification in eLearning and for businesses that embrace gamification at the right time!

Adeptus offers technology advisory services and innovative solutions to businesses that are looking to embrace emerging technologies. Learn more about us and see all the exciting projects we’ve done so far. We can also be reached at connect@adeptustech.com.

Authors: @PravinKulange and @AmitKaveeshwar

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