Leveraging Data Analytics to Elevate and Measure Learning Effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of learning programs as-a-whole has always been a challenging and ambiguous task. With technologies like Data Analytics in the picture, we sure have come a long way, enabling personalization to a great extent and making learning programs highly learner-centric.

My thinking is straightforward: assessments must evolve as the technology evolves/progresses and allows many functional innovations; only then can it be a true enabler of high-performing individuals and teams. For instance, how can Virtual Reality (VR) transform self-assessments? How should Data Analytics be leveraged accurately to measure the effectiveness of learning programs?

How deep, wide, and long is Analytics going?

Allow me to share a real-world example to better explain this. Recently, we completed a project at Adeptus that utilized a Learning Management System (LMS) with over 20 courses by the client. During the enrollment process, the platform conducted a standard pre-assessment test by asking learners relevant questions about the course. 

This assessment analyzed their initial knowledge and expectations and collected relevant data points. The platform then used data analytics to process these data points and displayed the insights in a personalized dashboard in the form of a chart. And all this done in real time.

This dashboard allowed them to track their progress throughout the program. At the program’s end, a post-assessment test was conducted, and the results were again shown on a dashboard using various visuals like spider web charts that displayed their pre- and post-assessment results in different areas. There were multiple graphs; and these visualizations greatly facilitated the tracking of their progress for them as well as the business. 

My point is, while pre-and-post assessments are staple in corporate learning, adding a layer of intelligence in the form of Data Analytics could catapult the entire learning program to the next level. At Adeptus, we believe that each project is unique and requires customized analytics and visualization to achieve success. The amalgamation or mix of such types of assessments and data analytics greatly enhances and enables learning effectiveness measurement in an easy and non-esoteric way – and boosts the decision-making process.

The future is even brighter!

We live in the golden age of technology. Assessments don’t have to be complex anymore. While I do realize that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, many organizations are actively pursuing technology to improve assessments and thereby their learning outcomes. The integration of data analytics, AI, and emerging technologies facilitates personalized and effective learning experiences, promising valuable insights and optimized outcomes.

Adeptus offers technology advisory services and innovative solutions to businesses that are looking to embrace emerging technologies. Learn more about us and see all the exciting projects we’ve done so far.

Authors: @PravinKulange and @AmitKaveeshwar

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